We will use a small long baking pan, in which we will place a membrane that will protrude from the walls. We remove the peppers from the jar and leave them on a paper towel for a few minutes, in order to get dry. We soak the jelly sheets in a bowl covered with cold water and leave them to soften for 10 minutes.
We place the cream cheese and the yogurt in a bowl, stir it with a spoon or with a whisk and add the milk cream little by little until the cheese mixture gets even. Then we add the chopped herbs, salt, and pepper to the cheese mixture. We squeeze thoroughly the soft gelatin and dissolve them with quick moves in 3 tbsp of boiling water. We let it cool and we add the gelatin to the cheese mixture stirring continuously.
We place the peppers on the sides and on the basis of the form. We pour half of the cheese mixture into the form. We make a layer of peppers, then pour the remaining amount of cheese and cover it with the remaining peppers, and finally, we close it well with the wrap.
We put the terrine in the fridge for at least 5 hours. After the terrine freezes, we place it on a platter. Now we can remove the wrap and cut the terrine into thin slices. Finally, we garnish each slice of the terrine with a few drops of balsamic vinegar, add few drops of extra virgin olive oil and serve the terrine slices with toasted bread and green salad.
Our advice: In order to dress easily the form in the wrap, make the form slightly wet. So the film hangs tight on the walls and the “dressing” of our form is done easily.