Terrine with th!nkgreen’s tuna and spinach


  • For the spinach:
  • 400g spinach
  • 4 tbsp of Organic th!nkgreen olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 150g yogurt
  • 100g sour cream
  • ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg, salt and freshly ground pepper
  • For the tuna:
  • 400g canned tuna th!nkgreen well-drained
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 150g yogurt
  • 100g sour cream
  • the zest of an orange, a lemon, and freshly ground white pepper

Sauté the spinach in olive oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom, so the spinach can keep its vitamins, minerals, and color. Add a portion of water just enough for the spinach to soften. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and let it boil at a low temperature.

When the spinach is almost dry over the fire, remove it and drain it well. Pulpit in a blender and then mix it with 3 eggs, cream, and yogurt. After that, we do the spicing.   Puree the drained canned tuna. Add the egg albumen and mix it well. Slowly, add the sour cream with yogurt, then mix and season it.

In a greased pan for the terrine, we place the spinach mixture and we continue with the tuna mousse. We cover it with greaseproof paper and bake it in the oven in a bain-marie utensil for 30 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius until we drill with a knife and the knife comes out clean. We remove the terrine from the oven and when it gets cold we flip it on a platter and cut it into slices. We can serve the slices hot or cold.


We can complement spinach, eggs, citrus and nutmeg with an aromatic Chardonnay, that has spent some time in an oak barrel. For more adventurous types, a rosé wine of Merlot will match, or the gentle th!nkgreen’s retsina wine.


th!nkgreen  launches an innovative collaboration with Soundpear on the musical representation of its products…